With over a decade of experience hosting sites and the security adding by creating our own system, we've created a service you can trust. PCI compliant, with new security features added almost monthly, at AXC security is job 1.
Your Site is Actually in 2 Places at Once.
The hosting we offer is not the regular fast food chain type hosting. Our cloud servers instant copy your sites files and databases in multiple places so if 1 goes down, another seamlessly takes it's place. If your site suddenly gets a spike in visitors we can handle it. So we won't choke your site's database and then tell you to get a dedicated server, (like some others). Our custom control panel automatically backups and can instantly restore your site in seconds.
Lightning Fast Performance
Blazing Speed for All our Clients.
Not only are our servers hosted on the cloud but we use custom servers and solutions to make your websites zoom. We keep our resource ratios well beyond industry standards to keep a smile on your face.
Custom 1 Touch Plugins
New Addons Regularly Make Your Life Easier
Since our control panel is 100% customized we can listen to our customer and create what they really want and need. Like anti spam and malware solution that actually fixes itself before any damage is done.